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- DNA/RNA Oligonucleotides
- DNA Sequencing Services

Cat.No. | Synthesis Scale | Restrictions | Guaranteed Yield >20mer (un-modified, desalted) | DS0010 | Genomics | 11-35mers | 2 OD260 | DS0050 | 0.04µmol | 11-60mer | 3 OD260 | DS0100 | 0.2µmol | No | 13 OD260 | DS0102 | 1.0µmol | 2-50mer | 50 OD260 | DS0103 | 15µmol | 2-50mer | 700 OD260 |

Cat.No. | Description | Scale | DF0100 | Desalted Purification Grade | 2-700 OD 260 | DF0200 | HPLC Purification Grade | 1-300 OD 260 | DF0300 | PAGE Purification Grade | 0.5-10 OD 260 | DF0400 | NMR Purification Grade (HPLC & Dialysis) | 4-200 OD 260 |

5' and 3' Modification : Biotin, digoxigenin, C6-Amino, C7-Amino, C6-thiol, C3-Thiol, Phosphorylation, Fluorescein, Cy5, Cy3, Cy5.5, QSY-7, QSY-7, Inosine, deoxy-A,C,G,T, and mixed base.

Cat.No. | Description | RS0650 | siRNA Duplex (2 x 21mer) 0.04µmol | RS0660 | siRNA Duplex (2 x 21 mer) 0.2µmol | RS0655 | Longer siRNA Duplex up to 25bp, per additional 0.04 µmol | RS0665 | Longer siRNA Duplex up to 25bp, per additional 0.2 µmol | RS0651 | Single strand RNA, 0.04 µmol | RS0661 | Single strand RNA, 0.2 µmol |

Cat.No. | Description | SE0902-A1 | Premium Run, edited, price single reaction | SE0903-A1 | Premium run, non-edited, price per single reaction | SE0905 | Set up | SE0901-A2 | Economy Run, price per single reaction | SE0907-A3 | High Throughput 96well, edited, price per single reaction | SE0908-A3 | High throughput 96well, non-edited, price per single reaction | SE0921-B1 | Primer Walking, nonassembled, one strand, price per base | SE0922-B2 | Primer Walking, nonassembled, both strands, price per bp | SE0931-C1 | Primer Walking, assembled, one strands, price per base | SE0932-C2 | Primers Walking, assembled, both strands, price per bp | SE0941-D1 | Verification of known sequence, one strand, price per base | SE0942-D2 | Verification of known sequence, both strands, price per bp | SE0959-E0 | Cosmid- or BAC- or Genomic- Sequencing | SE0960-G1 | Single Plasmid Preparation, price per clone | SE0961-G2 | High-Throughput Plasmid Preparation, price per clone | SE0962 | Clone Picking from Agar Plate, price per 96 clones | SE0963-H1 | Plasmid Purification, Ethanol Precipitation, price per sample | SE0965-H2 | PCR Purification, spin columns, price per sample | SE0966-H3 | PCR Purification, 96 well plate, price per sample | SE0968 | Primer Design including Synthesis | SE0973-F1 | One-Drop sequencing (excluding Premium Run Single Reaction) | SE0971-F2 | Treatment (hairpins, GC-rich; ex. Premium Run Single Reaction) |
bp: base pair

Cat. No. | Description | Qty | BF0704 | 2 x PCR Buffer | 1-499 tubes | BF0705 | 2 x PCR Buffer | 500-999 tubes | BF0706 | 2 x PCR Buffer | >1000 tubes | BF0707 | 10 x PCR Buffer | 5ml | BF0708 | 10 x PCR Buffer | 10ml | BF0709 | 10 x PCR Buffer | 20ml | BF0710 | 10 x PCR Buffer | 30ml | BF0711 | 10 x PCR Buffer | 50ml | BF0712 | 10 x PCR Buffer | 100ml |
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