
Product Name:
- Adeno/ Rota Virus Antigen Duo One- Step
Catalogue Nr.:
- For the detection of the Adeno and Rota Virus antigen in faeces samples
- Rota- and Adenoviruses are important causes of severe gastro-enteritis in humans, other mammals and birds.
- In children less than two years of age rotavirus is the single most common cause of severe diarrhoea. It contributes significantly to infant mortality in less developed countries. It has been estimated that more than three million Rota/Adenovirus associated deaths occur annually world-wide. Although death due to Rota- and Adenovirus enteritis rarely occur in developed countries they are still a common cause of the number of physician visits.
- Rota- and especially Adenovirus can also cause disease in adults, especially the elderly and immuno-compromised, for example in patients suffering from HIV infection or SLE.
- Rota- and Adeno virus are transmitted by the faecal-oral route. The incubation period is 1-5 days.
- Rotavirus can also cross species barriers. Human rotavirus can infect animals and vice-versa, with canine and feline-like viruses found in humans. Given these circumstances there is a high need for a rapid and simple test to diagnose rotavirus infections.
- For diagnosis of this infection the detection of rota/adeno antigen in faeces is the most commonly used method. False positive or false negative results are minimised in this assay since group specific monoclonals have been used to detect the shedded virus antigen.
Test Components
- 25 x test strip (only to be opened immediately before use)
- 25 x cotton swab
- 25 x vial containing 500 ml buffer
- 1 x pack insert
Test procedure
Take a new swab for each sample.
- Take a small sample of faeces or a rectal swab using the included swab.
- Wash the swab in the buffer vial (fig. 1)
- Let clots of faeces sink to the bottom (fig. 2)
- Unpack the strip
- Add 4 drops of the sample solution with the pipette to the strip (fig 3).
- Read the result after 5 to 20 minutes and not later than 25 minutes

Interpretation of the Result:
A) Adeno Positive:
- Two bands are visible(Fig A), a line in zone 'C' and one low line in zone 'T'
- ÞThe sample contains adeno ag.
- The patient is infected with adeno Virus.
B) Rota Positive:
- Two bands are visible(Fig B), a line in zone 'C' and one high line in zone 'T'
- ÞThe sample contains rota ag.
- The patient is infected with rota Virus.
C) Negative:
- Only one band is visible in zone 'C' (Fig. C)
- ÞThe sample does not contain Rota or Adeno antigen.
- The patient is not infected.
D) Not valid:
- The Control band is not visible (Fig D), repeat the test procedure.

- The tests need to be stored at room temperature in a sealed package.
- Positive samples should be considered as infectious.
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