All shipments are ex works Tuebingen, Germany.
If shipper account information is available, for example,
Federal Express
we will try to ship using the forwarder of your choice.
Please ask about shipping charges when you order.
Usually, products or materials will be delivered within 3 days after receipt of your order if stock available. If the products are not in stock, they will be delivered inbetween 2-6 weeks.
We only accept returns after we gave authorization and issued specific shipping instructions
Please inspect packages immediately on receipt and inform us within 48 hours of receipt.
All Normae products supplied by DR.WANG are warranted to meet or exceed our published specifications when used under normal conditions in your laboratory. DR.WANG (Normae Serie) must be notified of any breach of this warranty within 48 hours of receipt of the product. Our obligation and sole remedy is limited to such replacement of the product or full credit of original purchase price in the event the product proves to be defective. In particular, DR.WANG (Normae Serie) does not make any warranty of suitability, non-infringement, merchantability, or fitness for any articular purpose of any product.