Information in Order Form
- Catalog No.
- Product Name
- Quantity
- Total Price
Notes: The Above price excludes shipping cost, packing fee, and transaction fee .
Contact Information
- Institute
- Contact person
- E-mail:
- Tel:
- Fax:
Shipping Information
- Attention:
- Shipping Address:
- FedEx account No.:
- (If left blank, we'll ship the products via FedEx and charge the shipping cost on the invoice.)
Second contact person:
Billing Information
- Attention:
- Billing Address:
- PO No.:
- Payment method: (If not Bank Wiring)
*In the event where the Customer wants to amend or cancel the order received form, the Customer shall inform DR.WANG within 3 days after the order received date; otherwise DR.WANG will continue with standard production process and the Customer shall pay to DR.WANG according to the schedules.
*Customer shall be responsible for arranging all shipping of the purchased products and preparing all documents related to the product import. DR.WANG shall not be liable and CUSTOMER shall not claim any defect in quality of the products arising out of or in connection with shipping delay of the products due to Customer’s failure to prepare the import documents. * If Customer does not notify DR.WANG in writing of any defects of Products within 30 days of the receipt of Products, Customer shall be deemed to have accepted such Products. If the payment is not received by DR.WANG within 60 days from the invoice date, Customer agrees to pay 10% penalty on all late payments. If the payment is not received by DR.WANG within 90 days from the invoice date, DR.WANG will disclose Customer's information to a collection agency and authorize the collection agency to obtain the payment from Customer.